My professional practice is focused on working with dental phobics to help them overcome their fears and get the care they deserve.

My other passion is for integrated mouth health, recognizing the relationship of a healthy lifestyle including diet, sleep, exercise and personal resilience with a healthy smile for life.

Understand your dental fear

Get my worksheet on the Top 5 Reasons for Dental Fear

As a coach and mentor I support dentists, dental team members and other healthcare professionals to get the life they choose.

A Dental Mentor can support you through challenging times, helping you work out where you want to go, plan your route, suggest tools that might make the climb feel easier, or signpost you to other help along your journey.

Working with me won’t solve all your problems. But I will be your cheerleader, your listening ear and will do my utmost to help you hack your way through the bushes to get the view from the Mountain top you seek.

Because you deserve the life you want, not just a white smile.

Dental Mentor Services


I was trustee (for 8 years) of a local charity Malvern Community Action, who provide transport and support to older individuals in my community.

I have been a keen runner since the age of 41, raising funds for Malvern Community Action by taking part in endurance events. In 2022 I climbed Kilimanjaro to raise money for them.

I am a Morris dancer and am proud to have appeared on TV several times in my role as ‘The Fool’ of Jenny Pipes’ Morris Dancers.