Freedom from Dental Fear

Overcome your dental fear and get your smile back!

In 6 weeks I will take you from Scaredy-Cat to happy smiles!

Freedom From Dental Fear:

Overcome  your dental fear and get your smile back.

In 6 weeks I will take you from scaredy cat to happy smiles!


Well done for clicking on this page.  It could be the start of your journey back to your smile.

Click here to get started right now.

At last! The very same plan that I have used with my one-to-one private clients to master their dental fears is available for you to work through in the privacy of your own home.

For 27 years I have worked as a dentist with a special interest in looking after people who are scared of the dentist.

People come to see me from several counties because of my unique approach to dental fear management…. Some of them have followed me through 3 separate dental practices and over 20 years because of the care they receive.

I even have a client who flies in twice a year from another country because he trusts me to look after his dental care in a way that makes him feel safe, despite his dental fears.

I am very proud to be a ‘dental phobia certified’ dentist.  The method I have developed uses well established methods to walk you through the whole process to get past your dental fear and find your smile again.

I will teach you all the tricks I have learned in almost 30 years as a dentist working with thousands of people with dental fears.  This is the exact same method I use when you work with me in person, and I have a huge number of dental fear survivors to attest to how well it works!

Click on the image to start now

Click on the image to start now

This online programme gives you the same tools to feel:

  • Confident in your choice of dentist

  • Happy that your needs are being met by your dental office.

  • Knowledgeable about dental treatments so you understand what’s happening.

  • Aware of dental sedation, what it is, and is it for you?

  • Strong enough to communicate those things that will help you get past your fears

  • Proud of how far you have come in only a few weeks.

  Sounds amazing? Sign up now.

No Fear Dentist in a field of sunflowers

What you get.

6 weeks of videos, worksheets and tips and tricks to guide you through overcoming your dental fears.  

Here’s a sneak peak at  what you will get in the programme:

A 6 week transformation of your fears

for just £89.50 . Valued at £297

Click on the image to start now


  • Understanding dental fear

  • Where fears come from, what’s a fear and what’s a phobia

  • The 3 common themes in most peoples dental fears

  • How to manage your type of fear

  • Finding the right dentist to help you

  • What to look for in a dental office

  • Questions to ask to make sure you get the answers you need

  • The best way to contact the dentist you have chosen

  • Types of dental sedation , what are they and do you need it?

  • Practical tips to use when at the dentist to help you relax

  • The low down on your first dental visit- what to expect

  • How your treatment might be planned

  • Ticks dentists use to make things easier for you.

  • The top tech for dental phobics

  • Keeping you smile for the future

  • Moving forwards in your dental journey

  • What to do if you have a blip on your journey from dental fear

  • Who the dental team members are and what they can do to help you

  • Free Bonus relaxation to help you relax before your treatment

  • Free worksheets to guide you through choosing the best dentist

Freedom From Dental fear process.jpg

Almost all my dental fear survivors suffered a huge amount of shame about their teeth.

But no-one ‘chooses’ to have bad teeth. Helping you to move past this without blame will give you the very best chance of keeping your smile for life :-)

“I was so very down about the state of my mouth, I hadn't smiled properly in 3 years and I had stopped smiling with my mouth open altogether in the year preceding my first visit to  Karen.

I still cannot get over the progress that I have made with Karen. It really has been so positive, life changing, even.  . I guess though that the fact that I have gone from someone who needed counselling before I could even think about seeking treatment, and always having to have someone to accompany me to every appointment, to someone who has been able to have major dental work done on my own including root canal treatment and wisdom tooth extractions.

 I feel so much more positive about my smile, even though there is still work to be done.

 It's amazing..she is amazing!”  Sandra Dental Fear Survivor


“For another 25 years I could not bear to utter any words associated with “dentist” or “teeth”, and hearing them made me extremely anxious.  I knew that I probably needed a way of de-sensitising myself with a dentist whom I could trust implicitly, but the idea of exposing what had become a more and more ghastly set of teeth added to the problem.  I feared censure and criticism by anyone I might consult, and was completely mortified.  It was a vicious circle which I felt unable to break.  I thought becoming 50 might be “the year”, but another 10 years passed.

Eventually I made contact with Karen – by email:  I still couldn’t face showing myself.  I think this was probably the biggest step of all!  I received such a friendly email back, and arranged to go and chat. 

  I was put so at ease by Karen and the team that although I started off with some apprehension, I quickly lost that and became interested in the process. 

I feel proud of us both.  It HAS been a turning point in my life and Karen and the team made it possible for me to make that turn.  My friends even envy my experiences compared to theirs.

Although I would probably still feel apprehensive about seeing someone I didn’t know and trust, I can honestly say that since the end of my 2 years of treatment, I actually miss Karen.  Fancy me ever being able to say that!” 

Anna dental fear survivor


What you will learn during the course

Week 1

  • What is Dental fear?

  • What is a phobia?

  • Where does fear come from?

  • What are the 3 most common dental fears?

  • How to identify your fear.

Week 2

  • Ways your treatment could be easier

  • Giving you more control

  • How you can have less (or no) pain during treatment

  • Types of dental sedation.

  • Is sedation really for you?

  • Techniques for relaxation before and during your dental visit.

Week 3

  • Finding a fear-friendly dentist

  • Why the right dentist WILL WANT TO TREAT YOU (really)

  • Practical ways of finding the right dental office

  • Which is the right dentist to help you

  • Tips on things to look for

  • How important is personal recommendation?

  • Whats the best way to get in touch?

  • Build your list of possible dental offices for you

Week 4

  • Getting in touch with the best dental office

  • Making friends with the receptionist.

  • The best way to make contact

  • Things to say on the phone

  • Taking a buddy with you

  • Email or web message tips

Weeks 5

  • Your first dental visit

  • Dealing with receptionists

  • Relaxation tips to help you

  • What to say to the dentist

  • What the dentist needs to know

  • Eeek! Someone is looking at your teeth

  • The value of photographs

  • Xrays- why they are important

  • Your treatment plan

  • Moving forwards with dental care

Week 6

  • Getting your dental treatment

  • Sedation considerations

  • The low down on repairing teeth

  • Extractions- sometimes the right thing to do

  • Local anaesthetics- A users guide

  • Giving you back control- clickers, gels, handsignals and more.

  • Why everyone needs a great hygienist

  • The future of your smile.

“I invite you to join me on this journey to understand and overcome your dental fear.

You deserve to be able to smile confidently again.”


Karen Sutton. NoFearHere dentist

Join me and over your dental fears

If not now- when?

click on the image to sign up now

click on the image to sign up now