Help, I’m really scared of needles!

Why are people scared of injections at the dentist?

Being scared of injections is a common dental fear. 

Some people are scared of all injections, no matter where they are on their body and these people have a real challenge with vaccinations (Hello covid- thank you!) or blood tests.

Others find injections in their mouth much more difficult, possibly because its such a personal area and so intimate. 

For some people its not the injection itself but they hate the feeling of ‘being numb’ or not in control of their lips or tongue.

Most dentists are used to encountering this and have mastered some tips to help people find it easier.

We often use an anaesthetic gel first to take the ‘sting’ out of the needle.  An experienced dentist will often have mastered a very comfortable gentle, slow injection technique and this will make the whole experience better.

Some little tricks that may help you include :

  • When the time comes to have the injection count backwards 5,4,3,2,1 then go for it! It’s super simple but really effective.

  • Distract your mind during the procedure by reciting your 8-times-table or a poem you learned in school.

  • Twirl your feet round in opposite directions to distract you, or move one foot up and down and one round and round.  This won’t affect what the dentist is up to but can really help take your mind off it.

Also…..Be honest…..


Make sure you tell your dentist you are scared of injections so they can use every trick they know to make it the best possible experience for you.

You can do this!

 For more tips to help with dental fear check out my page here



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