Help for Dentists in Difficulty

Had a complaint? GDC hearing? Conditions imposed on your practice?

Defence organisations recommend working with a trained dental mentor to support your personal and professional growth in challenging times.

Helping you move past this

  • Facing difficulties

    Challenge mentoring will help you work out what happened, why it happened, and help you reflect on the situation. Your PDP is an important part of your professional growth and development, and I am trained to help you build an effective and realistic learning plan that will address any challenges as well as help you move forward personally and with your career.

  • After a GDC hearing

    Development Advisers are a new role set out by the GDC in 2021 to assist dentists who have conditions attached to their registration, assisting the dentist to move forward with specific development goals. Following additional training I can offer this service which requires regular report writing and updates for the GDC on your progress towards their stated learning objectives.

Listening Ear. Broad Shoulder. Your Coach is always on your side

Click here for Coaching/ Mentoring Prices

“Grace means that all your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame” Brene Brown