Dentist. Coach. Educator.

Find out about my online courses, mentoring and coaching, as well as getting your smile back.

Do you like my WonderWoman scrubs?

Do you like my WonderWoman scrubs?



I have been working in General Dental Practice for 30 years. For the majority of this I have looked after people with Dental Phobia helping them to get the smile they deserve.

My role is supporting my clients to maximize their mouth health, so they can eat and smile proudly. I advise, teach, encourage, repair and rebuild to achieve a strong healthy smile. :-)


Coach and Mentor

It’s a great day when an email from a mentor client starts like this.

Wherever you are in your dental career, events can challenge you or totally blindside you. Issues with relationships, time, work-life balance or expectations of yourself or others can feel like a mountain to climb.

A qualified coach will support you to get the life you want, especially now.

I love the view from this bench on The Malvern Hills near where I live, especially at dawn.

I love the view from this bench on The Malvern Hills near where I live, especially at dawn.



My dental clients would no doubt agree that I am a ‘talker’. I have always believed that there’s no point just keeping fixing teeth without understanding how they got that way, and correcting the root cause of the issue.

Healthcare professional have a responsibility to use their knowledge to improve health for the long term rather than just dealing with problems.

The internet has given me the chance to share what I have learned whether that is to help dental phobics get the care they deserve, or new dentists balance their time and energy to improve their job satisfaction.

My first ecourse now available. Click here

There are others planned for the future. Watch this space.

How I can help you?

Unmask your dental fear

Subscribe to get my worksheet on the 5 causes of dental fear. And how to beat them!

a woman covers her mouth with her hands
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