A little Grit can go a long way

How I unlocked my inner strength to create an eye-opening experience.

What is Grit?

Grit is perseverance day after day to reach the goal you have set yourself.  Some of those days will be HARD. Some will be fun.  Each moment you spend working towards your big goal takes you closer to excellence.

The amazing thing is this is the same no matter what sphere of life you are talking about.

Want to run a marathon someday? Your training will require determination and discipline to put in the miles on those training runs getting out there in the rain and dark.

Want to build your own home? Years of planning, organising, discussions with [planners, builders and money-juggling will eventually give you that home of your dreams.

Want to start your own business? Few people enjoy discussions with accountants, banks, or putting in the hours at the weekends after the kids are in bed ……. instead, you could be sitting on the sofa with your feet up watching Netflix.

Nothing worthwhile was ever achieved without putting in the work.

It’s an unpalatable truth……

My free time the last 9 months has been spent producing an e-course to help people conquer their dental fear.

One of the hardest things I have ever done!

My natural tendency is to be an innovator, to have amazing, bright ideas. Life changing, wonderful inspirations.


 I struggle with the follow through.  The busy work.  The sitting down and getting on with it.

I blew through deadline after deadline I set myself.

Tech fails one after another set me back repeatedly.

My training for a 50Km run takes up hours of my weekends and evenings leaving me needing more sleep, on top of my day job.

Just sitting down and getting on with the damn thing was so hard when my kids needed me. 

But I did it. My course is done. Ready.

I have achieved what I started out to accomplish.

I have learned much about myself during the process.

I have learned the meaning of grit.  I have felt the joy of succeeding after struggle.  I have got used to not giving up.  Again.

I am proud of what I have achieved. 

It takes grit to overcome a fear of the dentist.

And I trust what I have built will help people who want to do just that.

Find out about my unique course here

#grit #dentalphobia #coachingforexcellence #determination #passion #dentistry



Why am I scared of the dentist?


How to Succeed!