How to Succeed!

How do you define success?

What is a ‘good’ runner?

I am a hobby jogger.  For 8 years I have run regularly (at least 3 times a week) . On this mornings foray into the rain and wind I was listening to a Podcast in which the presenter said ‘I’m not a good runner’ and meant it.  Incredibly sad, because this woman has run over 20 half marathons!

What she meant was ‘I’m not a fast runner’  True,  but very sad that for her the definition of success is ‘fast’.  Rather than ‘consistent’, ‘inspirational’ or ‘determined’ .

In what other sphere of life do we equate speed with quality?

I am a dentist.  Is the best dentist the one who fills your tooth fastest? The one with the whitest teeth? Or the one who has the best car?

What about builders? Is a good builder going to get that wall up in record time? Or drive the biggest van?

So I started to muse on metrics that we use to measure ourselves. (It was a long run)

For me a good runner is one who gets out there and runs even if they don’t want to, because it’s raining, they say ‘hello’ when they pass you and respect other users on the path.

A good dentist is the one who listens to their clients and does everything they can to improve their mouth health and smile confidence as comfortably as possible, speed doesn’t come into it.

A good builder checks the foundation, makes a tidy job, takes their boots off inside, turns up on time and communicates when things don’t go according to plan.

The metrics we choose to measure ourselves by will determine our success.

Am I a good runner? Yes.

Am I a fast runner?- Hell, no.

What are you choosing to judge yourself by?

Because what gets measured gets managed……….

Today why not choose the standards you want to live up to.

And hopefully one of them will not be speed. (unless you are an Olympic athlete)

Here’s to your success.


A little Grit can go a long way


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