How Many Morris Dancing Dentists Do You Know?

The magic of authentic communication….

The picture was taken 7 years ago today as I performed solo before presenting at a dental conference on patient care and marketing. 

Wearing bells in public is definitely one way to make an entrance and be memorable!

I am pretty sure no other dentists have started their presentation in the intervening years in the same way, but I am certain that those that were in the audience that day remember it! (Several have commented on my Facebook post on the subject to tell me how much they enjoyed learning a Morris dance after I finished)

Whilst I have been to many dental conferences and sat through countless presentations in 7 years.  I can count on one hand how many I remember with some clarity.

Those that I do recall were interesting, innovative, and authentic.

I am not saying that we should all go to work wearing ribbons, primary colours and wafting handkerchiefs…..but I do believe that enthusiastic communication changes lives.

  When we fizz with interesting nuggets and details and are authentically genuine in our interactions people sit up and take notice.

I have a job where communicating a concept or idea will change behaviour and treatment outcome, and when I give that information in a memorable, unique, humorous, and interesting way my words will sink in better and have more power.

I am certain that is the case for many of us.

So, how can you make the information you share tomorrow more memorable when it matters?

How many Morris dancing Dentists do you know? (It only takes one….)


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