From the archive….Happy Dentist

Thanks for stopping by here.

I hope that this is worth your while.  Maybe I will make you smile.  Or maybe you will learn something new.

Perhaps together we can answer the question that no doubt you are asking:

‘How can a dentist be HAPPY?’

For goodness sake, you will no doubt be thinking, being a dentist is about ‘PAIN’ and ‘Drilling’ and ‘gum disease’

And there are bad noises, and spit and maybe occasionally, blood!

What sort of person would be happy in a job like that?

To which I can only reply:

My job IS about those things, yes,  they are the bricks that build the wall of my everyday existence.

But its about so much more.

Its about giving a 29 year old woman who hasn’t been able to look in the mirror for YEARS the confidence to smile again now she has teeth she can be proud of.

Its talking the pain away from a young Mum so she is not distracted by the agony of a rotten tooth and can give her daughter the attention she deserves.

Its about telling a 60 year old man that yes, if we work together, we probably CAN save his teeth so he doesn’t end up with dentures like his Dad.

Its about helping a really nervous patient to take baby steps forwards, gradually fixing their teeth, and helping them overcome their fears.

And then getting a huge hug afterwards.

I do these things every day.

These miraculous life changing moments are what makes me a happy dentist.

And yes, along the way there is drilling, spit and sometimes blood.

But there is also joy, laughter, self confidence and freedom





Shame is the worst ‘s’ word


From The archive…..Musings on Time