Shame is the worst ‘s’ word

Like many professional women I have followed the work of Brene Brown and read her books on leadership with interest. Dr Brown is familiar to anyone who watched TED talks and writes enthusiastically and with passion on the family dynamic as well as business topics.

What is super interesting is the fact the Brene Brown is a researcher on SHAME.

It make you shiver a little, right? You cringed a bit.

Shame? Yuk.

But the thing is we all encouter shame every day.

In the way we talk to ourselves, or our children.

It’s widespread on Social Media…….

Mummy Guilt. Keeping-up-with-the Jones’ .

Shame is part of the 21st Century experience.

But I encounter Shame somewhere else.

In my work

The 85% of my working day that I spend looking after dental phobics I am knee deep in shame.

Because fear means people avoid addressing their dental issues. So the pain and rot gets worse.

Perhaps they have perceived being humiliated or belittled by a well meaning dental professional in the past.

Shame stops people seeking dental treatment until they are in agony.

Shame means that people lose teeth before their time.

Shame ruins smiles.

I am on a one woman crusade against dental shame.

Because no-one wants to have bad teeth.

Missing teeth is not a life goal for most of us.

And even I have lost teeth, Something that makes me cringe inside a bit every time I chat to other dentists, because I know that they can see….

As NoFearHere dentist I work to counteract years of shame.

First by listening, then understanding.

After that comes supporting, rebuilding and restoring.

Of confidence, self esteem, and teeth.

So next time you see someone with ‘bad teeth’ know their shame could be crippling them.

And think about how you could empathise, and help.


Take The Win (dammit!)


From the archive….Happy Dentist