Take The Win (dammit!)

Yes, you!

No ‘buts’ please……

Lately I have become increasingly frustrated with people not recognizing how amazing they are!

It may have escaped your notice but we are in the middle of a global pandemic!

Life is NOT NORMAL. Who knows when life will be normal again?!?

In my role as a mentor and coach as well in my day-to-day as a dentist I am regularly encountering people who are knocking themselves for not being ‘perfect’ or ‘doing it better’.

There is a lot of self depreciating ‘well, I could have done more’ about.

Maybe you could.

But I am not hearing enough people patting themselves on the back for what they have done.

Managed to floss your teeth every day last week? AWESOME….

Got your kids to bed on time two nights in a row with no crying…….. SO AMAZING

Carried out 4 consecutive dental procedures wearing a respirator so tight you can hardly breathe…… YOU ARE A LEGEND!

Made it to the end of the day without crying……. YES! Go YOU!

Because Life is hard right now, we need to take the wins!

Not wait for someone else to recognize what we have done.

We need to be proud of ourselves.

I get me mentor clients to buy a lovely notebook and write down everything that they did well during the day.

So on a hard day when things have been tough, they can look back and see how far they have come.

We could all do this.

Lets recognize our successes, even the small ones.

Because I will recognize them with you.

I have more faith in any single one of you than you have in yourself.

I will always be a bundle of screaming positivity for you.

So pretty please, with sugar on top….

Take the wins!

because right now, you are totally #winningatlife

And its about time you recognized that!


The Magic Happens ……..?


Shame is the worst ‘s’ word