The Magic Happens ……..?

‘The Magic Happens at the Edge of your Comfort Zone’

a familiar quote which many of us may believe in.
And yet we might not feel comfortable with putting ourselves out there. It’s scratchy. It makes a little knot appear in the stomach

Even though we know it’s the right thing to do we might not be able to force ourselves…

one example of this is asking clients for testimonials.
This can be really uncomfortable. It can feel ‘salesy’ ‘cringey’ and awkward.

But it’s important to remember WHY we are doing this. It’s not for us. It’s not to increase sales. It’s not to make more money.

It’s for the next potential client who needs your help. The one that just requires a little nudge from someone who has ‘been there’ to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Because social proof can really change lives.

When we go out of our comfort zone and ask grateful clients to write a few words about how we helped them we give others the opportunity to find us.

I’m comfortable with asking for a few words so I can help more people.
Are you?
#startwithwhy #alwayshelping #authentic #testimonials #dentistry


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